
Codewars 알고리즘 풀이


  • Write a function which takes a non-negative integer(seconds) as input and returns the time in a human-readable format(HH:MM:SS).
    • 음수가 아닌 정수(초)를 사람이 읽을 수 있는 형식(HH:MM:SS)으로 시간을 반환한다.
  • The maximum time never exceeds 359999(99:59:59).
    • 최대 시간은 359999(99:59:59)를 초과하지 않는다.

Solution 01

function humanReadable(seconds) {
  let hour = parseInt(seconds / 3600);
  let min = parseInt(seconds / 60) % 60;
  let sec = seconds % 60;
  return (
    (parseInt(hour / 10) > 0 ? hour : '0' + hour) + ':' +
    (parseInt(min / 10) > 0 ? min : '0' + min) + ':' +
    (parseInt(sec / 10) > 0 ? sec : '0' + sec);

humanReadable(0);       // 00:00:00
humanReadable(1);       // 00:00:01
humanReadable(10);      // 00:00:10
humanReadable(60);      // 00:01:00
humanReadable(86399);   // 23:59:59
humanReadable(359999);  // 99:59:59

Solution 02

function humanReadable(seconds) {
  let pad = val => val > 10 ? val : '0' + val;
  return pad(parseInt(seconds / 3600)) + ':' + pad(parseInt((seconds / 60) % 60)) + ':' + pad(seconds % 60);

humanReadable(0);       // 00:00:00
humanReadable(1);       // 00:00:01
humanReadable(10);      // 00:00:10
humanReadable(60);      // 00:01:00
humanReadable(86399);   // 23:59:59
humanReadable(359999);  // 99:59:59

Solution 03

function humanReadable(seconds) {
  let pad = val => val > 10 ? val : '0' + val;
  let hour = parseInt(seconds / 3600);
  let min = parseInt((seconds / 60) % 60);
  let sec = seconds % 60;
  return pad(hour) + ':' + pad(min) + ':' + pad(sec);

humanReadable(0);       // 00:00:00
humanReadable(1);       // 00:00:01
humanReadable(10);      // 00:00:10
humanReadable(60);      // 00:01:00
humanReadable(86399);   // 23:59:59
humanReadable(359999);  // 99:59:59