bonusTime.js (8kyu 29)

Codewars 알고리즘 풀이


  • Salary will be an integer, and bonus a boolean.
    • salary는 정수, bonus는 boolean 값이다.
  • If bonus is true, the salary should be multiplied by 10.
    • bonus가 true라면, salary에 10을 곱한다.
  • If bonus is false, the fatcat did not make enough money and must receive only his stated salary.
    • bonus가 false라면, 명시된 salary를 받는다.
  • Return the total figure the individual will receive as a string prefixed with ‘$’.
    • 총 금액을 ‘$‘와 함께 문자열로 반환한다.

Solution 01

function bonusTime(salary, bonus) {
  if (bonus === true) {
    return `$${salary * 10}`;
  } else {
    return `$${salary}`;

bonusTime(4400, true);   // $44000
bonusTime(4400, false);  // $4400

Solution 02

function bonusTime(salary, bonus) {
  return bonus ? `$${salary * 10}` : `$${salary}`;

bonusTime(4400, true);   // $44000
bonusTime(4400, false);  // $4400

Solution 03

function bonusTime(salary, bonus) {
  return '$' + salary * (bonus ? 10 : 1);

bonusTime(4400, true);   // $44000
bonusTime(4400, false);  // $4400