points.js (8kyu 37)

Codewars 알고리즘 풀이


  • Our football team finished the championship.
    • 우리 football 팀이 championship을 마쳤다.
  • The result of each match look like ‘x:y’.
    • 각 match 결과는 ‘x:y’이다.
  • Results of all matches are recorded in the collection.
    • 모든 match의 결과는 collection에 기록된다.
  • Write a function that takes such collection and counts the points of our team in the championship.
    • 우리 팀의 점수를 세는 함수를 작성한다.


x > y: 3 points

x = y: 1 point

x < y: 0 point

0 <= x <= 4

0 <= y <= 4

there are 10 matches

Solution 01

function points(games) {
  let result = 0;
  for (let i = 0; i < games.length; i++) {
    if (games[i][0] > games[i][2]) {
      result += 3;
    if (games[i][0] === games[i][2]) {
      result += 1;
  return result;

points(['0:1', '0:2', '0:3', '0:4', '1:2', '1:3', '1:4', '2:3', '2:4', '3:4']);  // 0
points(['1:0', '2:0', '3:0', '4:4', '2:2', '3:3', '1:4', '2:3', '2:4', '3:4']);  // 12

Solution 02

function points(games) {
  let result = 0;
  games.map(i => {
    if (i[0] > i[2]) {
      result += 3;
    if (i[0] === i[2]) {
      result += 1;
  return result;

points(['0:1', '0:2', '0:3', '0:4', '1:2', '1:3', '1:4', '2:3', '2:4', '3:4']);  // 0
points(['1:0', '2:0', '3:0', '4:4', '2:2', '3:3', '1:4', '2:3', '2:4', '3:4']);  // 12

Solution 03

function points(games) {
  return games.reduce((result, i) => {
    return i[0] > i[2] ? (result += 3) : i[0] === i[2] ? (result += 1) : result;
  }, 0);

points(['0:1', '0:2', '0:3', '0:4', '1:2', '1:3', '1:4', '2:3', '2:4', '3:4']);  // 0
points(['1:0', '2:0', '3:0', '4:4', '2:2', '3:3', '1:4', '2:3', '2:4', '3:4']);  // 12

Solution 04

function points(games) {
  return games.map(i => i[0] - i[2]).filter(i => i >= 0).reduce((result, i) => result + (i > 0 ? 3 : 1), 0);

points(['0:1', '0:2', '0:3', '0:4', '1:2', '1:3', '1:4', '2:3', '2:4', '3:4']);  // 0
points(['1:0', '2:0', '3:0', '4:4', '2:2', '3:3', '1:4', '2:3', '2:4', '3:4']);  // 12